
Our Childless Mothers Connect Blog offers an on-line haven for communication for women without children, either by choice or circumstance. Here is where we can share our stories, struggles, triumphs, discoveries, resources and offerings with one another. Men and Women with children can also feel free to give helpful information and resources, as well as share products and services that may be of benefit to our community…

Let the sharing begin!

  1. It’s All About Love…

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    2013 was the 20th anniversary of my diagnosis of early menopause. As I think back through those 20 years, I slowly shake my head in wonder at the journey I have been on. My heart feels full—with joy, purpose and fulfilment. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined the life I now live and the beautiful people I share it with…
  2. Menopause at 29…

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    “Your test results show you have premature ovarian failure (POF), or early menopause. It’s pretty rare. You probably won’t be able to have children. You’ll need to go on HRT (hormone replacement therapy) to protect your heart and bones. I’ll give you a prescription but your GP will be able to look after you from here”. These are the words the specialist used the day I was told I had gone into early menopause. I was just 29 years old and I remember it like it was yesterday… that was it, no advice, no support, nothing.
  3. What to Expect When You’re Expecting…

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    I’m not going to speak about those crazy nine months we call pregnancy. I have no background there. Only just stories and stereotypes.

    But the title of that famous pregnancy book has been on my mind for a while now. I’ve been entering a new stage in my life and it seems new doors create new expectations. I’ve found myself less present and more in fantasyland and as I try to create and implement.

  4. Alexander’s Adoption: Coming Home, Step by Step

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    By Melanie Holmes

    Even though the new adoptive parents had received training to deal with the psychological and emotional outpouring that may ensue in the early stages of adoption, nothing had prepared them for Alex’ nonstop, heartbreaking cries that communicated displeasure, but gave them no clue as to how to soothe him. What he wanted was his familiar surroundings, which was an institution filled with hundreds of other kids, without a caretaker or toy to call his own.

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